Based on recent reports, medical records have been released showing that George Zimmerman, the man who murdered 17-year old Trayvon Martin, was treated for a broken nose and other injuries. I have problems with this new evidence and do not think Zimmerman’s case should be thrown out by the judge due to his self-defense claim, before it is seen in front of a jury. It is said that a person cannot claim self-defense if they were the initial aggressor, thus, started the fight. However, that is what Zimmerman is claiming. It seems as if the courts have forgotten that Trayvon Martin was the person being stalked in this situation, thus making him the victim and George Zimmerman, the aggressor.
When someone suffers a broken nose and feels like their life is in danger, enough to take someone else’s life, than why in the world would they - or could they, wait an entire day before seeking medical attention? On that same point, why would Zimmerman wait to see his family doctor instead of going to the emergency room since his life was in such extreme danger? And to further my point, he went to the police station after the shooting and was standing and speaking. Police officers were in close proximity to him and obviously felt no need for emergency medical assistance. I know that if I was an officer and I was looking at someone who had just been assaulted with a broken nose, two black eyes, and head injuries, I would have him/her escorted immediately to the hospital for an examination and further my investigation pending their health condition.
In addition, there are recent reports that maybe Zimmerman was defending himself against Martin, because in Martin’s autopsy there are said to be lacerations on his knuckles. When someone is stalking and following you and they present a gun, ready to kill you, then what do you do? You protect yourself and since you are a 17-year old boy and have no weapon, then you are going to put up your fists and try to protect YOUR life. Not the other way around. How much danger can an unarmed, teenage boy cause - to an armed, decade-older man?
One thing people love is drama and this case has every bit of suspense in it. However, the only reason this case was brought forward to the public, with national rallies and speeches by athletes, musicians, public figures, and even the President, is because America saw something wrong. We cannot let a killer get away with murder and prohibit justice to prevail.
The bottom line is in George Zimmerman’s case, it’s not a matter of life and death, but in Trayvon Martin’s case, it is. The self-defense claim does not apply to an assailant and a stalker, but to a boy whose family and friends will never see him alive again. RIP Trayvon
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