
Revamp Your Closet! | DIY on turning your jeans into some stressed out shorts!

by: Ashley Stewart

When you go to sleep you dream.  When you dream, you dream about finding the perfect pair of high-waisted, distressed shorts.   When you wake up, you realize it was just a dream and start to cry.  When you cry, you call your parents.  When you call your parents, you end up telling them all of your secrets.  When you end up telling them all of your secrets, they make you move in with them.  When you move back in with them, your life as you know it, is over.  Don’t let this snowballing effect happen to you!  Search your closet, find a pair of high-waisted jeans (or hit a local thrift store for “mom” jeans), and follow this DIY.  This will guide you step-by-step through the jean-to-short world and will take you about 30 minutes to conquer.

Pair of soon-to-be shorts
Razor (retractable blade)
Chalk or fabric marker (optional)

  1. Fold jeans in half so one leg is on top of the other
  2. Measure, mark and cut (make sure to always cut below the inseam so you don’t make a skirt!)
  3. Take scissors and open widely.  Without actually cutting the shorts, you will place the shorts between the scissors and go from one side to the other with the long edge of the scissors.  This should create frayed edges.  You will need to do this step for a while.
  4. Once you are done fraying the bottoms of the shorts, you will put down the scissors and grab the razor.
  5. There is a grain in which the denim goes.  Find the direction in which the grain is going and scrape (not cut) in a diagonal direction to it.  This will turn those dark blue spots to white and is prepping for the next step, holes!
  6. Keep razor in hand and make holes while cutting horizontally with half pressure where you have scraped.  This will take a while and you should stop once you get your desired look.  Don’t worry if it doesn’t look distressed enough; after washing they will look amazing!
  7. Wash, dry, wear!!
Now you have amazing shorts in hardly any time at all, and just saved yourself the money!

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