
Finally an Arrest...Should We be Happy??

George Zimmerman has finally looked justice in its eyes...and so far, they're not too pretty.  After the arrest of Zimmerman on Wednesday, April 11th, after stalking and killing Trayvon Martin, I admit, I felt relief and happiness. Finally, I thought, justice had been served. But sitting back at work I asked myself, what now? What if they lessen the charge to Voluntary Manslaughter? What if he is found not guilty based on his outrageous claim of Self-Defense due to the unlawful Stand Your Ground Law?  If our justice system failed this country for over a month and a half allowing Zimmerman to walk free after eyewitnesses and evidence were all refuting his claim of self-defense, then how are we guaranteed that justice will prevail?

Don't get me wrong, I love our country and I would never wish to live anywhere else, and those that know me know that I am a strong liberal to the fullest.  But when a murderer is allowed to walk free and set up a personal website (www.therealgeorgezimmerman.com) soliciting money on his behalf, something is wrong, terribly wrong.

Soon after the news was released stating that Zimmerman had been arrested and charged, Rev. Al Sharpton held a press conference stating, "We do not want anybody high-fiving tonight. There's no victory here tonight. There are no winners here. They lost their son. This is not about gloating. This is about pursuing justice. We have not won anything. We are still mourning with this family.” 

Rev. Sharpton is exactly right. No one should be happy or joyous that WE as a people had to fight the justice system for over 45 days seeking an arrest of man who hunted down an unarmed, 17-year old child, shot and killed him; then had the nerve to claim self-defense. It infuriates me to even talk about it because it is so ridiculous and unreal that a killer can walk free.  I am not going to call this a hate crime, but I would like to know that if he did not kill Trayvon Martin based on the color of his skin...then WHY?

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